About StillSwim

StillSwim Stationary Swimming System

The StillSwim System is suitable for everyone who has a backyard pool. From athletes who want a training workout, to anyone who wants to enjoy a non-stop swim.

The StillSwim Stationary Swim System is made up of the StillSwim Belt and Buoyo Leg Floats.

StillSwim Belt

StillSwim Belt

With the StillSwim Belt you’ll be able to swim uninterrupted and get all the benefits of lap swimming, while in a fixed stationary position.

The SwillSwim Belt is harnessed around your waist and tethered to an immovable object.

The unique design supports your lower body and legs, enabling you to swim in comfort.

Buoyo Leg Floats

Buoyo Leg Floats provide buoyancy to the lower legs and feet, making it easy for swimmers of all fitness levels to swim for longer.

While you swim, they keep your feet high in the water, and your legs extended in a floating position.


The Technical Definition of the System

The harness is worn by the swimmer so that the front lifting strap passes across the stomach and between the legs. The lifting strap places the point of attachment to the swimmer much lower on the body than the equivalent waist attachment point on similar stationary swimming devices. This, combined with the angle of restraint formed by the anchor rope, as a result of the attachment point, converts a significant percentage of the resisted forward force into a lifting force, helping to support the weight of the lower part of the swimmer’s body and legs.